How Azelio is using video to drive awareness for renewable energy storage solutions

When it comes to communicating complex topics like climate change and sustainability, Azelio recognized the unmatched power of video. Now thanks to Storykit, they're able to produce high-quality content at breakneck speed, giving them the agility to respond quickly to industry news and events and serve up valuable video content to their audience at every stage of the marketing funnel.

"Storykit has enabled us to be even more creative with our messaging. We’re making videos for event promotion and recruitment, while also building brand, and distributing content addressing not just the education or awareness phase of the marketing funnel, but all levels - which has been great."

Kristian Flanagan
Content Manager

See how they Storykit it

Azelio is changing the way we use renewable energy, by offering a long-duration energy storage solution that works with solar and wind. Their cutting-edge technology provides clean electricity and heat on demand - which is a game-changer for businesses and end-users around the world who are struggling to secure sustainable and reliable power. Checkout some of their Storykit videos below!

The Challenge

In a niche industry like clean energy storage, Azelio wanted to use video to deliver key messages simply and effectively.

Kristian Flanagan, Content Manager at Azelio, already knew that video was a powerful medium for communicating the type of complex information that companies with advanced technologies often need to talk about. 

— We’ve developed a leading solution in a relatively new area of the energy market, and the technological aspects can sometimes be challenging to put across in a way that’s easily understandable. 

— Storykit's script-based approach to storytelling enables us to distill detailed information, delivering it with striking visuals and in a way that viewers can easily digest. 

— Because of the nature of the long-duration energy storage industry, we often dive into important topics like climate change and sustainability. Video is a great tool for communicating these concepts in an engaging way, while raising people's awareness. 

Azelio also wanted a solution allowing them to create more video content with a faster turnaround.

Kristian and the team recognize the importance of responding quickly to news and trends, to maintain Azelio’s status as an industry thought leader. 

— You can get excellent results with tools like Premiere Pro, but it might take a bit of time. When things move quickly, sometimes there’s a very limited window to develop your content and get it out there.

The Solution

Storykit gave Azelio the flexibility they needed to react speedily to news, and while at events and exhibitions.

For example, when the UN recently announced the release of an important climate report in a press conference in the afternoon, Kristian quickly took a template from Storykit and made a video out of it

Clear onboarding and ready-made templates made it easy for Azelio to start creating professional videos from day one.

— Onboarding was really easy. After I made my first video, I couldn’t wait to get into Storykit and play with the tool more. I think it's great fun that the creation process goes so quickly. 

Kristian points out that a big plus point for Storykit is being able to go into video creation using different approaches.

— It’s nice having the option to start either with a template or just with your text. Depending on the type of video we’re making, sometimes I already have a script prepared in a Word document, whereas other times I prefer to use a pre-existing template as a starting point. Either way, the process is smooth.

Along with being flexible and user-friendly, it was important for Azelio to be able to maintain their strong brand identity. 

— In Storykit, it’s great that you can experiment and present your brand in different and creative ways, while staying true to your voice. I use the text highlighting function a lot, and I’m enjoying finding new things I can do with our brand colors, and our assets. 

Kristian also enjoys having the power to create professional-looking videos using his own footage.

— I love the fact that not everything has to be uber-professional-looking before it goes into the tool and becomes part of your creative process. You can use mobile phone camera footage - then edit it and apply effects and styling options - and come out with something really authentic and effective. 

The Results

Azelio has achieved a huge increase in video output and is hitting its targets at every stage of the funnel.

— Our first goal was to increase our video output and we’ve really managed to do that.

With Storykit, the Azelio team has been able to make different types of videos and distribute a wider variety of video content to their target markets than ever before.

— Storykit has enabled us to be even more creative with our messaging. We’re making videos for event promotion and recruitment, while also building brand, and distributing content addressing not just the education or awareness phase of the marketing funnel, but all levels - which has been great. 

Azelio has also noted a positive and strong reception to the videos they are sharing on their social platforms. 

— Not only can we see that we’re finding our target viewers, but we’re also able to serve them with valuable content, which is crucial. We’re continuing to see the results show, through a good amount of engagement and impressions. 

Here are some of the creative ways that Azelio has been using video.

Educational content about renewable energy and the need to make it available for longer periods

— We created a video titled 'Everybody's talking about renewable energy,' to highlight the fact that many conversations about renewables overlook the essential topic of energy storage, which is something you need if you are going to implement solar and wind power on a wide enough scale to meet net-zero goals. The video was well-received, and we're happy to see that our colleagues are now using it.

Repurposing content into videos

— It’s a good tip for Content producers to refresh messages you’ve used before, when these are still relevant and interesting - and Storykit provides a way to do this. We had a series of effective posts that we wanted to use as the basis for new content, and we repurposed these into videos to breathe new life into good ideas. 

Promoting articles with video

— The templates can lend themselves to other forms of video for which they aren’t actually intended. For example, the other day I used a slide from an event template to make a video promoting an insights article on our website. Now I have a 10-to-15-second video I can replicate when something new drops on the site, bringing it to people’s attention on our social channels.  

Showcasing events with video

— When we participate in events, Storykit adds new possibilities for the way we can communicate where we are in the world, and what interesting things are going on.

— Recently we exhibited at the World Future Energy Summit - a high profile event for professionals from the renewable energy, solar and storage industries. I immediately started taking footage of the location in Dubai, and from the event itself. That enabled us to produce several videos, including a really useful roundup of our day-to-day activities. Before, this would have taken a while to edit together all the material, but now that process is much quicker.

— That’s an example of where the tool has driven the type of content that we wanted to make.

Captured footage combined with the professionalism that Storykit offers, can lead to a really cool end result.

Presenting information on the website with video

— We’re using some of the videos we produce on our website as well. Those are really good to keep the content fresh and engaging for visitors.  

Do you have any final thoughts you would like to add? 

— Maybe a slight downside - I find that the Storykit music options stick in my head - I have a dozen or so favorite songs that I like to rotate through when making videos, and some of them are incredibly catchy!

See for yourself

Give us a few minutes and we’ll show you just how easy life can be when you Storykit it.