None of them had worked with video before, but this didn’t stop Caroline Larsson and Malin Skoog at ESSVE from making over 150 videos in a couple of weeks. – By creating our video content in Storykit we can work in a cost-efficient, fast, and flexible manner.
"By creating our video content in Storykit we can work in a cost-efficient, fast, and flexible manner."
Essve is one of the leading fastening companies in Europe. Since 1970, they have been making everyday life easier, safer and more profitable for construction professionals in the industry.
Since 1970, ESSVE is a leading fastening company in the Nordics. For example, the company sells over 5 million screws – every day.
– Our biggest sales channels are our retailers, but in our marketing, we are also targeting the end consumer: The carpenter, says ESSVE’s Brand Manager, Caroline Larsson.
To reach out with their message, they mostly use social media.
– We use Facebook and Instagram and work actively with the website. The amount of ”traditional” marketing we do is meager, says Caroline.
Why did you start working with video content?
– We recognised the need and noticed the increasing popularity of video. However, we also realised that we were lagging. Previously we worked with big, expensive agency productions. Despite the fact that we have a reasonable marketing budget we couldn’t afford spending 40 000 SEK (approximately 4 000 EUR) per video, given the fact that our intention was to produce several videos every week.
Instead, Caroline and her colleagues started working in Storykit.
– We realised that Storykit would be perfect for enabling us to create more video content by ourselves. None of us had any video creating experience since before: I would say we are a classic marketing department with some knowledge of Photoshop, Illustrator, and PowerPoint, but video editing was new to all of us. With Storykit, we can suddenly create videos by ourselves, and as the tool is so simple to use, we can give more people in our organisation access to it, says Caroline.
By making the videos in-house, they speeded up the production radically.
– We can now work much faster, have more flexibility, and save a vast amount of time, says Caroline.
They were off to a flying start in Storykit.
– Learning Storykit was easy. It was a positive surprise to realise how simple it was to start using it, says Malin Skoog, Marketing Coordinator at ESSVE.
After only a couple of weeks, Malin and Caroline had produced over 150 videos.
– We were going on a tour and needed to make three videos for all the 25 cities we intended to visit. Additionally, we made each video in two different formats. By copying each job, changing background images, and adapting each video for every city, the process was really smooth.
Duplicating and adapting videos to the local context is something that Malin and Caroline have continued doing.
– Through Storykit we have ramped up our video production, also in our other markets. We work in a centralised manner here in Sweden to make videos, and in accordance with our content calendar, we make a certain amount of videos per month. Then we use slide notes in the tool to write an English translation so that our colleagues in other markets can translate it to their local language. After that, we send them the video through the tool, and notify them by e-mail that they can get the video directly through Storykit, says Malin.
Which are the benefits of centralising making video in-house instead of producing video content locally for each market?
– The most significant benefit is that we are saving their time. Our marketers have a big workload, and by getting nearly completed videos, they can publish the content in no time. Something else to consider is that the brand becomes more consistent – we retain control over the video experience, says Caroline.
Today ESSVE publishes a total of around 35 videos per month, and the work has been paying off.
– The Click Through Rate (CTR) has definitely increased for our Facebook videos. We experiment quite a bit to understand how to make videos that give the biggest effect, says Malin.
Are there any disadvantages to working in Storykit?
– Haha, maybe that one wants to make everything in a video format and that everyone starts providing suggestions for upcoming videos. The tool gives us huge opportunities, so it is important to set up a strategy for how and when to use it, says Caroline.
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
Discover how AI-powered automation puts your video creation on autopilot. With Storykit, the leading video automation platform.