How Planet Tracker is driving sustainable finance through captivating videos

Planet Tracker is a non-profit with a revolutionary goal – to transform financial decision-making. And with the help of Storykit, they're making it happen. By creating captivating videos that showcase their research, Planet Tracker is successfully expanding their reach, boosting engagement, and driving finance companies to become more nature positive.

"We want to share these novel ideas with a wider audience and Storykit has definitely helped us increase our follower count so we can do that."

Nicole Kozlowski
Head of Engagement

See how they Storykit it

Planet Tracker is a non-profit sustainable finance think tank that is on a mission to make the world a better place by aligning capital markets with planetary boundaries. By producing groundbreaking research, they're showing investors how to take nature into account and make it a part of their investment analysis and decisions. Want to see how they're making a difference? Check out some of their videos below!

The Challenge

Planet Tracker needed a better way to encourage financial organizations to be more eco-friendly.

According to Nicole Kozlowski, Head of Engagement at Planet Tracker, their main goal is to get companies to become more nature-positive.

— We recognize that the financial markets play a really important role in achieving this, so our aim is to show them how they can take nature into account and make it part of their investment analysis and hopefully ultimately part of their investment decisions by distributing research that advocates for this. 

The finance-heavy reports and research that Planet Tracker makes are not necessarily easy to absorb or marketable.

 — Think about some university research that you read. It's not something that is very obvious to market in a particular way. 

Nicole used to rely on Canva-created GIFs to tell their stories. However, she recognized the shift in viewing habits toward videos and knew she wanted to explore this medium.

— We knew that we wanted to use video to reach a wider audience. When you're competing with so much good content out there, the question is, how do you capture people's attention? 

— We mainly communicate with professionals when they are at their job and less so when they are out of their work environment. And speaking from experience, I find that I mostly stay put when I see a well-made video and something that’s informative.

The Solution

Storykit’s intuitive video platform enabled Nicole and her team to make their research more engaging for social media.

— I think we had the information but we just didn't have the right tools to display it for social media.

— Since starting with Storykit, the most impressive thing is realizing that we can create professional videos ourselves. 

Storykit gave Planet Tracker the freedom to leverage video as part of their core strategy.

— We have worked with agencies before, but since we are a non-profit, outsourcing is incredibly costly for us to do. Finding a tool that is accessible to us on a continuous basis and allows us to leverage video as part of our core strategy for all of our different research programs is a really big positive. 

— It’s also really nice being able to create videos ourselves without having to outsource them to another party because it gives us more freedom to experiment, test out different visions and get more people involved internally, instead of just having someone outside of Planet Tracker do everything.

Even though Nicole and her team had never worked with video before, they were able to get up and running with Storykit in no time.

 — I found using Storykit to be really intuitive. I think once you do it a couple of times and try out the different frames and options that you have it’s quite easy to use.

The Results

Higher engagement and wider reach are exactly what Planet Tracker was after and that is what they got with Storykit. 

After replacing their GIFs and text posts with videos, Nicole’s team has seen more engagement from their key audience on LinkedIn. 

— Since starting with Storykit, we have seen that our engagement has gone up on social media and that we are reaching a wider audience with our videos. That has been very positive. 

Planet Tracker has also gained a lot more followers, which is an important factor for their success. 

— Since we use LinkedIn as a marketing tool for our research, the more relevant people that we have following us, the wider our outreach is, and ultimately that is what we are trying to achieve.

— We want to share these novel ideas with a wider audience and Storykit has definitely helped us increase our follower count so we can do that.

— Over the past three months, since we started using Storykit, we have roughly grown our followers by 50%. We can not attribute everything to video because we had one report that went viral as well but it definitely has contributed. 

What type of videos are you making in Storykit? 

— We mainly use Storykit to communicate key insights from the research reports and blogs that we publish. We publish anywhere between five to seven pieces of content a month, which is also roughly how many videos we make.

What is your process for turning your reports into videos? 

— Our reports are often quite long. So what we usually do is we try to map out what our key messages are beforehand so we know what each slide or each part is going to communicate. After that, we create the storyboards and specifically look for the right images and the right ways to communicate that particular message. 

Is there anything you would like to add?

Personally, I am really happy that we found Storykit because it makes it a lot easier for us to communicate with our core audiences and has improved the way that we can communicate with them. All in all, really positive. 

See for yourself

Give us a few minutes and we’ll show you just how easy life can be when you Storykit it.