How Aspia is revolutionizing in-house professional video creation at scale

Picture this: every member of your organization, whether they're in marketing, payroll, or stationed across the globe, is empowered to create their own videos. The result: unparalleled knowledge sharing, improved internal engagement, and a surge in social media content. That's exactly what Aspia achieved using Storykit, all while saving millions of Euros.

"Storykit empowers our colleagues to produce videos to help promote our solutions. This not only leads to significant time savings for us but also leverages their deep expertise, making the entire process more efficient."

Pia Törnqvist
Marketing Director at Aspia

See how they Storykit it

Aspia, a distinguished management consulting firm, specializes in delivering services in accounting, taxation, and interim management. Home to over 1,300 skilled professionals, Aspia boasts an extensive network with 55 offices across Sweden, and has recently extended its operations into Norway. Checkout some of the innovative ways Aspia harnesses the power of video by exploring the showcased content below.

The Challenge

When Dominika Dzielak transitioned to Aspia as the new Content Marketing Manager in October 2022, she brought more than just her expertise; but a vision shaped by her previous success with Storykit.

In her previous role at a data and analytics company, Dominika leveraged Storykit to its full potential, scaling video creation to different branches in 18 countries and achieving significant savings (1,2 million EUR in just one year, to be exact). 

Upon joining Aspia, a large firm specializing in accounting, tax, and interim management, Dominika recognized a similar opportunity and knew she and Pia Törnqvist, Marketing Director at Aspia, could replicate the same success using Storykit.  

Dominika says:

— From past experience, I knew that video was the best way to share complex messages and stories for big enterprise companies. And since I already knew what could be achieved with Storykit, I was sure the tool would be the right choice for Aspia too.

Dominika Dzielak, Content Manager at Aspia, previously Group Content Strategist at Dun & Bradstreet

— I knew Storykit was a great resource since it was already enabling me to share PR on LinkedIn and create videos for our internal communications. However, Dominika and I realized that it could be leveraged in a bigger way, says Pia.

At Aspia, the essence of their product is their people and they knew that enabling everyone to create their own videos about their expertise would be a great way to spread knowledge and build their brand.

To kick off this new era of content, Pia and Dominika got in contact with Aspia’s Storykit representative and created a plan using the similar tactics that were used at her previous employer.

The Solution

Storykit enables everyone at Aspia, no matter what their role is, to be video creators. 

Pia and Dominika’s strategy to enable video creation across Aspia involved a structured approach, turning members from 6 departments (and counting) into skilled Storykit users. Here’s how they do it:

1. Initiated onboarding sessions: Aspia coordinated with their Storykit representative to organize tailored onboarding sessions for different teams, ensuring a solid introduction to the tool.

How did you get your colleagues with no video experience excited about creating videos?

— I just told them that if you have created a powerpoint then you can create a video in Storykit. This eases their minds, says Dominika.

2. Provided ready-to-use templates: Drawing from her previous experience on easing initial hurdles, Dominika created templates for colleagues to immediately use, simplifying the first steps for new creators.

— People love having templates when they are starting out with video creation. Then they don’t have to worry about marketing's approval and can just get started creating anything they want, says Dominika.

3. Facilitated feedback and support: After a team member created a video, a review process was in place to give them feedback and help them improve. When it comes to this step, Pia says: 

— When you're encouraging your team to do something new, you should always be ready to give feedback and build their confidence. And that is what we do. Whether it's me, someone else from the marketing team, or our Storykit representative, we always give support to other departments. 

The Results

Aspia's journey with Storykit has led to a dynamic shift in their content creation process, enabling a diverse range of departments to contribute to the brand's digital narrative.

This collaborative effort has significantly enhanced Aspia's brand image and marketing outreach, making the company's online presence more vibrant and engaging.

— Since Storykit enables our colleagues to create videos, the Marketing Team receives substantial support in promoting our solutions. This not only leads to significant time savings for us but also leverages their deep expertise, making the entire process more efficient, says Pia.

Pia Törnqvist, Marketing Director at Aspia

Another benefit of using Storykit is the high-resolution and quality. Dominika says:

— It’s great that we can create high-quality videos that look good on social media, as well as ones that can be displayed on a large screen.

Here are the types of videos each team is making:

  • The Marketing Team creates videos for social media (boosting articles, trend reports, guides and customer cases), their website, and also live events such as employee conferences, customer forums and external conferences.
  • Managers of Service Lines for Accounting, Payroll, HR and Interim create explainer videos for marketing Aspia’s services. For example if there is a new Swedish regulation, Payroll will make a video about it. 
  • The Employer Branding Team uses Storykit to tell success stories about Aspia’s employees for branding purposes.
  • The Internal Comms Team uses Storykit to share stories about employees or Aspia’s cooperation with Hand in Hand on their intranet or LinkedIn.
  • The Learning & Development Team is the most recent team to start using Storykit. They use it internally for training videos.

Being able to create videos in Storykit saves Aspia a significant amount of time and money. 

—Today we create about 30 videos a month which is obviously way more than if we had an external agency producing every single one for us, says Pia.

Dominika agrees and even did some counting to prove it. Dominika says:

— When I was at Dun & Bradstreet, I did some calculations and discovered that we saved over 1.2 million EUR yearly on all the videos we created, compared to the cost of using an agency. Now at Aspia, I've done the math again. After getting quotes from two agencies, I found that with the volume of videos we produce annually, we're saving 19 million SEK (approximately 1.6 million EUR) each year compared to what we would have paid an agency, not to mention priceless time.

Dominika and Pia noted that while it's challenging to quantify the exact time saved, they know the amount is substantial. Pia says:

— By producing videos in-house, we avoid the briefing and debriefing processes with external agencies, as well as the back-and-forth editing. Additionally, Storykit allows us to repurpose videos easily by adjusting elements like location, date/time, and call-to-actions. The ability to make these adjustments ourselves without dealing with extra time or costs is huge.

Aspia’s LinkedIn followers are consistently growing.

Another result that Aspia is seeing is a significant growth on LinkedIn.

— Our LinkedIn presence is thriving, with new followers joining daily. Last year alone, we witnessed a 30% surge in our follower base. Plus, our engagement rates are above LinkedIn's average benchmarks, says Pia. 

According to Aspia, their social media success is a combination of these factors: 

  1. Consistent social media strategy where they post several times a week.
  2. Recurring internal online training in Social Selling for LinkedIn (that Pia hosts). 
  3. Amazingly active employees that always reshare Aspia’s posts. 

Pia says:

— Hearing our colleagues take pride in our LinkedIn content and actively wanting to reshare it is really encouraging and is also a big contributor to our growth.

Due to Aspia’s strong presence on Linkedin, they have been awarded  No1 in Sweden and No 4 in Europe “Most Active Management Consulting Professionals on Social - January 2024”, by DSMN8 - The Employee Advocacy and Influence Platform. 

Read more here 

Any plans on how you want to use Storykit in the future? 

— We're in the process of extending Storykit to our Nordic offices. We've recently expanded into Norway and are gearing up to onboard our Norwegian colleagues shortly, says Pia. 

— We're also thrilled about leveraging all the new features that are unlocked with Storykit's AI. Storykit continuously introduces new functionality, which is fantastic because it means our videos keep improving, says Dominika. 

Anything else you would like to add?

— I think that the Storykit people are really the key to success. A lot of other companies we work with don’t even have real people that you can talk to for help, and with Storykit, you are always accessible, friendly, and make us feel valued as customers, says Dominika.

See for yourself

Give us a few minutes and we’ll show you just how easy life can be when you Storykit it.