Employer Branding Videos

The 'From Here to There' Template

It’s important to show both employees and applicants that your company is a place where everyone can grow. In this format you don’t just talk about it, you showcase when this has actually happened.

Check it out!

About this template

When you want to show that your company is a great place to grow and develop, few things beat the story of an employee that has made a career journey in the company. It’s an extremely useful format to build internal pride and confidence, but also to give your recruitment an extra push.

How to get started

This is a step-by-step guide on how you use this template to write your year in review video script.

Find your story

The most obvious story to tell would be that of a person who has climbed the career ladder, but remember that not all paths are hierarchical. You also want to find people who have been able to dig deeper into their passion areas. Look for the person who has moved from one department to another. The person who was enabled to change careers completely. Or the person that took the leap from generalist to specialist.

Find your assets

Use a variety of images or video clips to give this video a documentary style. Start with one image/video clip of the person for the first and second sections. For each of the stops, use other portrait images/video clips or, if possible, content with a colleague during the time you're describing - ideally in different work environments. You can use this for the remainder of the video if you are short on content.

Produce it

This format consists of two very clear parts: the "stop" and the "quote". While the "stops" need to be consistent in how they are formed throughout the story, the "quote" gives you the freedom to play around. The format can be as long as the career journey, but try to be short and sweet, and don't be afraid to skip parts if it doesn't add to the overall story.‍

Create your video script

Journey Headline

Introduce the journey. You want to create a "story" here – so make sure you outline the "from here to there" aspect of the colleague's career path. 


"From the mail room to the board room"

"The path to perfection"

Journey Headline

Person Presentation

Now, introduce the person. Remember to put the person in the context of the story immediately to not lose the viewer’s attention.


"This is [Name Surname], they do this today – but that has not always been the case. Follow their journey here at [Organization]"

 Person Presentation

First Stop Headline

Where did it all start? Be clear and concise, but still give hints that there is more to come. 


"First Stop: The summer internship"

First Stop Headline

First Stop Quote

This should be a short quote about this particular time in the person’s career. You want it to be mostly happy memories, but don't shy away from them talking about striving for something else. So it could be that they also talk about realising they should try and move on.

Good question to ask:

“Tell me how you experienced the time at…”

First Stop Quote

Second, Third, Fourth… Stop Headlines

What came next? Remember to have a concise way of writing these headlines.


"Second (third or fourth) stop: The marketing job"

Second, Third, Fourth… Stop Headlines

Second, Third, Fourth… Stop Quotes

Same as the first quote, but concerning their following stops.

Second, Third, Fourth… Stop Quotes

Last Stop Headline

The headline for the last stop should follow the same pattern as the others, but can include something that tells the viewer that we’re at our final destination.


"Last stop: Being the CMO"

Last Stop Headline

Last Stop Quote

This quote can hint that “anyone can do this”, or that “we’ve still not seen the end of this journey”. 

Last Stop Quote


Add a standard message for the outro, if needed. Or simply end off with your logo.


Looking for something else?

There is a lot more templates here for you. Take a look around and find one that suits you. Or you can find all the templates in Storykit.