Recruitment Videos

The 'Growth Focus' Template

Do you know what possible recruits are interested in? Whether your company is a winner or not. With the right information about growth and success, you can show that your company is the right horse to take a bet on.

Check it out!

About this template

As you expand and grow, your organisation becomes more attractive – everyone loves a winner. So turn those hiring numbers or news about expansion into attractive value propositions for potential talent. This is a companion piece to the “Area Of Interest” format, which is based on values – this is based on operations and growth. You want to make sure the applicant feels that they could be joining a winner.

How to get started

This is a step-by-step guide on how you use this template to write your year in review video script.

Find your story

For this format, you probably need to do some research and plan it out. But you can also keep your eyes open for events that show that your company is on the right track and use it as a reaction to that.

Find your assets

Use a relevant stock image and, if you have one, a branded image/video clip.

Produce it

Find information about growth/success and combine it with details about the role and the application process. Then you’re done!

Create your video script

Growth Headline

Do some research on growth and expansion plans first and then use that info to craft a headline that contextualises the growth within recruitment.


“We’ve added [X] new colleagues this year – and now we’re looking for even more”

“We are doubling in size – join our journey”

“Now we’re opening up [Country] – apply for this position.”

Growth Headline

Growth Reasons

You want to give more information on the reasons for your success, provide the applicants with more facts and create a sense of trustworthiness. So give a bit of background on the “what” and the “why” of the success or the future plans to further sell yourself as a potential employer.

Growth Reasons

Apply For This

Give the applicant a bit of specific information about the application process like dates or specific contact persons. This information is probably already in your ad, so use that with as little editing as possible. Don’t miss the opportunity to re-iterate that the applicant will be a part of this success story.

Apply For This

Career Info

Refer to your career site or specific ad and make sure to suggest that you are looking for all types of talent. 


“This – and many more opportunities – at [Organisation]”

Career Info


Include a standard message for the outro, if needed. Or just use a simple logo ending.


Looking for something else?

There is a lot more templates here for you. Take a look around and find one that suits you. Or you can find all the templates in Storykit.