Service & Product Videos

The 'How-To' Template

Change up your product or service marketing by giving your audience a sneak peek into how your product works for a particular use case.

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About this template

This template is about showing your audience will help you highlight a specific use case for a product or service. You could use this for your customer marketing, community building or to support your target market in their purchase.

How to get started

This is a step-by-step guide on how you use this template to write your year in review video script.

Find your story

Ask expert colleagues, showcase user tricks, or simply break the ordinary instructions into shorter snippets. But make sure to focus on one specific use case - if you want to show more it’s better to create a series of videos.

Find your assets

If possible use images or video clips of your actual product or ones that relate to your service. Use one for the headline, one each for when you describe how the product or service is used.

Produce it

Your headline will set the direction for your video - what it’s about and what result you want to show. You follow this by briefly setting the scene for the product/service you’re talking about, and then describing the typical usage and alternative usage you want to highlight. Finish off with a Call-to-Action that lets the viewer know where they can learn more.

Create your video script

Attention Headline

Create an attention-grabbing headline in one of two ways: 

  1. A question that introduces what you will be showing.


“Did you know you could do [X] with [Product Name]?”

“Do you know how to make [Feature Name] do this?”

  1. An instructive statement with strong superlatives.


“The best way to get [X] do this”

“Use [Y] in the best way – here’s how”

Attention Headline

Short Item Description

Start with a super-short intro to the product or service to ensure that non-users can understand the context. Get inspiration from your value proposition or a boilerplate statement used in press releases. 


“[Product Name] is a market-leading [Product Category/Purpose], it helps [Target Market] to…

Short Item Description

Typical Usage

Set the scene. State how this product, feature or service is usually used. The idea is to acknowledge the primary way – but then point to a more advanced/better use.


“Most users tend to leave this setting on ‘auto,’ and that works great – but there is more to be had for those that want.”

Typical Usage

Better Usage

Now you segue to the focus of your video - delivering on the promise in your headline. First, mention the benefits of trying this new way, and then present what you want to show, step by step, so it’s easy to understand or try.


"To get even higher quality, turn on [Feature Name]…”.

Better Usage

Read More

This is a great video for providing immediate value for your viewer, but you can also use this to pique their interest in your product or in learning about more advanced functionality and then direct them to a relevant page on your website.

Read More

Looking for something else?

There is a lot more templates here for you. Take a look around and find one that suits you. Or you can find all the templates in Storykit.