Service & Product Videos

The 'Idea Behind' Template

Showcase major product or service development milestones by hearing from the people involved.

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About this template

This format is about the idea that lead to a noteworthy service or product development. It’s a traditional interview format that celebrates innovation while highlighting central colleagues and their contribution to the development.

How to get started

This is a step-by-step guide on how you use this template to write your year in review video script.

Find your story

Speak to some key people in your product organisation to find your topic. Breakthroughs or major undertakings will work best for this format. Choose someone to interview, and use this template to design your interview questions so you get answers in the right format - this will make production much easier.

Find your assets

Use a compelling image/video clip that enhances the "problem" or the issue, another relevant to the solution and a picture of each person you quote.

Produce it

Either copy and paste quotes from an existing case or email a customer and relevant internal representative to source the quotes and images you need. Make sure to formulate the questions you send via email the same way as you will in the finished video. This will minimise the need to edit the answers you get back.

Create your video script

The Headline

Take inspiration from typical magazine or newspaper headlines that use a play on words or cultural references - have fun with it (if that works for your brand). Just make sure that it’s clear what the idea is and what it led to.


“Car Wars – how a novel idea changed auto-trading”.

The Headline

The Trigger Question

Formulate a question that leads to an answer about how the idea came about. Be detailed and mention what it led to.


“How did you come up with the idea for [X]”

“Why did you think [X] was important?”

The Trigger Question

The Trigger Answer

Use a quote from the person you interviewed about the origin of the idea and focus on something that inspired or triggered the thought process.

The Trigger Answer

The Maker Question

This question should be about how the person went about realising their idea. It should allow for the answer to provide detail on the process.


“How did you turn this idea into the solution we have today?” 

The Maker Question

The Maker Answer

Use a quote that elaborates on how they turned the idea into reality. Try and include details on initial setbacks, breakthroughs or team efforts. Don’t spend time explaining why the idea is important, that should have been established earlier in the script.

The Maker Answer


Give the viewer the option to to find out more about the feature, product or service with a link or button to your website.


Looking for something else?

There is a lot more templates here for you. Take a look around and find one that suits you. Or you can find all the templates in Storykit.