Event Videos

The 'Keynote Speaker' Template

Every event has keynote speakers. With this format, you will make engaging videos presenting every single one - in minutes.

Check it out!

About this template

This format is about using your event's speakers and stars for marketing. This is, of course, a very traditional way of marketing – and one that you could and should do more of. This format can almost always be lifted from the information you already have in the speaker presentation. So you can quickly create many of these videos for segmentation and different target groups. You can even use these for a “one speaker per day” series on your social channels.

How to get started

This is a step-by-step guide on how you use this template to write your year in review video script.

Find your story

Since you already have the information about the speaker and probably all the images/video clips needed, this format is just sitting there, waiting to become video.

Find your assets

Make sure you have a speaker-related image/video clip. You can also use event-specific media; you probably have some from the last time if it’s recurring. Stock media can also work well here.

Produce it

This is a format you can complete in minutes sitting by your desk. Find the information about your speaker, make sure you have the right assets and then you're done! You might want to spice up the wording a bit to make the video more enticing.

Create your video script

Speaker Headline

Put the speaker’s and event’s names in the headline since that’s the connection you want the viewer to make. Remember to give it a little extra edge and not just be a descriptive header.


“[Name Surname] will be at [The Event] – will you?” 

“Don’t miss [Name Surname] at [The Event]” 

“[Name Surname] will make your head spin at [The Event]” 

Speaker Headline

Speaker Facts

After establishing the speaker and the event, give some basic background information on the speaker, unrelated to what they are doing at the event. This is the “why is this person relevant” portion of the script. You want to use a bit of strong language along the lines of “world famous,” “leading expert,”star in their field,” and so on. Don’t shy away from a bit of hyperbole.

Speaker Facts

Speaker Details

Next, you want to give a bit more information on what the visitor can expect from this speaker’s slot at the event. So if possible, you want to prime them on subjects, frames, or others that will create a bit of expectation management. You should also mention the date and time here, if possible.

Speaker Details

Event Information

For the utmost efficiency, create a standardised block that you can use in all your videos as a mission statement for the event. Here you give the viewer a sense of the greatness of your event and why they should book a spot.


“[The Event] is the leading [Specialised Gathering] in Europe”

“[The Event] gathers more than [X] industry leaders every year for….”

Event Information

Event Outro

Do a solid referral to your event site, either in a descriptive “read more” style, or you could take the chance to create some FOMO for the viewer here. 


“All information on [The Event] at [URL]” 

“Don’t miss out – book your spot at [The Event Page] today”

Event Outro

Looking for something else?

There is a lot more templates here for you. Take a look around and find one that suits you. Or you can find all the templates in Storykit.