News & Corporate Videos

The 'Main Takeaways' Template

Summing things up is a true service to the viewer. With this format, you can do a straightforward take on pretty much any news story and make it digestible.

Check it out!

About this template

This is a more guided “take” on a news story that helps the viewer understand its most important key takeaways. Using several takeaways as the story’s premise makes it easy to digest and – perhaps more importantly – easy to decide to consume. A significant benefit of telling someone “three things about” or the like is that the scope is set from the beginning, and the viewer knows there is a limit.

How to get started

This is a step-by-step guide on how you use this template to write your year in review video script.

Find your story

You can use this format for a news story of your own, but it's also great to sum up news from other sources as a service to your audience.

Find your assets

Use one or a couple of relevant images/video clips.

Produce it

You cna produce this from your desk. You probably have all the information you need available already.

Create your video script

Takeaway Headline

Mention the number of takeaways in the title. It will work great if you can find a useful angle or one that is a bit contradictory or myth-busting.


“3 things to know about [New Development]”

“The 4 most important facts on [Issue]”

“5 things that everyone missed in today’s news item”

Takeaway Headline

Short News Summary

Do a super-short news summary and a segue to the “takeaways.” You want to be efficient and just state what happened – then move on to the list of takeaways. An excellent way to go from summary to takeaway is to use a line like “...…but here’s a few things that many missed…” or “…and these are the most important things to remember…”.

Short News Summary

Takeaway Block

Here you list your takeaways. This can be done in a number of different ways, but as always, be short and concise. Use numbers if you want to, but another efficient way to do this is to have one static label for all the takeaways, which becomes like a guardrail for the main content.

Takeaway Block

Read More Outro

Refer the viewer to your site to read more on the subject. In a text field, write something like “Read more on this at [Website]”

Read More Outro

Looking for something else?

There is a lot more templates here for you. Take a look around and find one that suits you. Or you can find all the templates in Storykit.