Thought Leadership Videos

The 'Source Quote' Template

Highlight the relevance of topics you cover by showcasing thought leaders’ insights and opinions.

Check it out!

About this template

This format is a simple way to incorporate quotes and good sayings from other sources into your marketing and communication mix. You want to highlight key things that relevant people are saying about current trends – and that you feel reflect well on both you and your viewers.

How to get started

This is a step-by-step guide on how you use this template to write your year in review video script.

Find your story

These quotes can come from anywhere: press clippings, seminars, blog posts, podcasts, social media posts, books - almost anything. Make sure that you clearly attribute these.

Find your assets

If you have one – use an image/video clip of the person you’re quoting. A good way to get one without too much effort is to check for a press page or newsroom where the person works. Otherwise, choose relevant stock media.

Produce it

Take a look through relevant editorials, industry or news publications, book reviews or podcasts suitable figures appear in. Note interesting insights, and be sure to record the relevant source or attribution information.

Create your video script

Pre-Quote Headline

Craft an intro to the quote by setting the stage. You can choose to name the person or not - whatever works in your case.


“The discussion on [Subject] keeps on”

“Expert [Name Surname] weighs in on [Subject]”  

“Industry heavy-weight gives insight into [Subject]”

Pre-Quote Headline

Source Quote

This is the quote - you can truncate and choose the parts you want to focus on as long as you indicate that clearly in the text. Ensure you have their name, title, and other information in the subtitle.

Source Quote

Extended Attribution

Give extra attention to the person quoted by giving your viewer some background on the person and the quote’s context. 


“[Name Surname] is the leading expert on [Subject], and this quote is taken from their latest book [Title].”  

“You can follow [Name] on Twitter for a lot of insightful information on [Subject].”

Extended Attribution


Include a standard message for the outro, if needed, or just use a standard brand outro graphic or your logo.


Looking for something else?

There is a lot more templates here for you. Take a look around and find one that suits you. Or you can find all the templates in Storykit.