Report Videos
A full year in review report is heavy reading. But summarising the main takeaways with a year in review video template can be an enticing teaser for the report while still bringing value on its own. Follow this format to do that.
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This format lets you do a topline summary of the most important takeaways or events during a period or a process. So it can be “The Year In Review” or “Milestones from the Research Project” - more or less anything reported on can have this type of timeline or highlight video attached. It’s meant to refer back to the whole report, so it’s a teaser format, but summarising has a lot of value.
This is a step-by-step guide on how you use this template to write your year in review video script.
If you have a report, a specific period in time or a process you're looking at, you can probably find a bunch of important takeaways that can be grouped into different themes.
One or a couple of relevant stock images/video clips work well with this format.
The trick is to discover the most compelling parts of your report. Don’t be afraid to look at your material with an outsider’s eyes. Ask yourself, what’s truly interesting here? When you’ve done that, the rest is just a matter of following this recipe.
You want to be somewhat “matter-of-fact” here. Make sure to communicate both the period and the phenomenon AND that you will present a summary.
“2022 in 7 steps”
“How was 2022 – a short summary”
“Finding the Solution – the important milestones”
Use this section as an explanatory intro, following on neatly from the headline. Make this brief to move swiftly on to the “list”.
“2022 was a challenging year for the industry. These are a few things that happened during the period.”
Create one section per item. Use a smaller text field as a kind of headline – and the main text field to give more info on the item. If you have some sort of “sequence,” such as date or time, make that an integral part of the smaller text field.
Use this block to refer to the whole report or paper – or inform if it’s a pre-print, plus if and where the viewer can find more information.
Add a standard message for the outro, if needed. Or simply end off with your logo.
There is a lot more templates here for you. Take a look around and find one that suits you. Or you can find all the templates in Storykit.