Employer Branding Videos

The 'What Do I Do?' Template

Get your audience to create a connection with your employer brand by showcasing the day-to-day through the eyes of an employee.

Check it out!

About this template

This is a variation on the typical format “About this job”, but seen through the eyes of the employee. It's about what they do in a day and how they ended up working in this role. You want to get reasonably personal – so make it about the person, not the position.

How to get started

This is a step-by-step guide on how you use this template to write your year in review video script.

Find your story

You could choose anyone to highlight in this video but if you are currently hiring for a few specific roles or teams, then select accordingly.

Find your assets

Start and end your video with a relevant workplace-related stock image or video or something from your workplace if you have it. For the answer part of your video, try taking a few pictures of the person or film a short sequence of them. With a steady hand and good light, your phone camera will get the job done!

Produce it

This is a quick and easy editorial format you can produce by collecting the answer to a single question based on the template below. Just email or message the person and if you’re not planning on taking a photo or video of them yourself, ask them for a high-quality selfie or video sequence. If you want to include a video clip of the person, produce the script first, so you know how long it needs to be.

Create your video script

Quote Headline

Create your headline by choosing an enticing part of the answer you’ll use in the section below. Use quotation marks to make it clear that it’ a quote. You can rephrase the wording to make it work, but make sure to stay true to what is being said.

Quote Headline

Who Are You?

Write a question that sets the scene. If you’re making a few of these videos you could use the same question for all them – or you could tailor it to the individual. 


“Who are you and how did you end up here?”

“So, [Name], how did you become our [Title]?”

Who Are You?

This Is Me, And This Is Why I'm Here

The person should be prompted by the question to talk a bit about themselves and how they found a fit with the organisation. Their answer should be free-form, but since it’s video, keep it short. For this video to perform at its best, ask them to include something personal and something about a skill that makes them a good match for the role.

This Is Me, And This Is Why I'm Here

We're Hiring!

Prompt the viewer to visit your career page to look for opportunities. This could refer back to the interviewee or just use a standard line.


“Do you want to join [Name] in [Role/Department] – visit our career page at - [Short URL]” 

“Join us – [Short URL]”

We're Hiring!


Use your standard outro with or without a slogan.


Looking for something else?

There is a lot more templates here for you. Take a look around and find one that suits you. Or you can find all the templates in Storykit.