5 effective ways to hook your viewer

Jonna Ekman


November 22, 2021

February 18, 2025

Excited man watching video on computer.

Starting your video with a hook, makes the viewer, reader, or listener stop for your particular video, text, or song. Here are five different “hooks” that can help you hook your readers from the first sentence.

This article is an extract from our e-book "How to write winning scripts for videos on social channels". Download and read your free copy here! 

Good copywriters usually say that the whole point of your first sentence is to get the reader to move on to the second sentence, which should get the reader on to the third sentence... and so on.

If you make video on a storyboard, as in Storykit, the same rule applies: your first slide should make the viewer hang on to the next slide and the next... As your video starts automatically on social feeds, your first slide will be the first (but preferably not the only) one your potential viewers see. That's why you have to make the beginnings extraordinary.

But how do you do that? Here are five different “hooks” that can help you hook your readers:

1. Thought-provoking questions

People are curious. If you manage to ask a question that tickles your viewers’ minds, they’ll likely stick around to the end for the answer. If you start with a question, however, you shouldn’t make any of the following mistakes:

  • Taking too long to answer the question. Surely you have once watched a long video with a lot of irrelevant information only to get the answer to your question way Hook the viewer too far into the video? Has that experience promoted trust between you and the creator? Probably not. So, don’t do that.

  • Not answering the question at all. If you ask a question in the beginning, you should make sure to answer it throughout the video.

2. A bold assertion

If you start your video with a bold statement, it really does not matter if the viewer agrees or not. They will still nod and want to look further. Here, of course, we’re not talking about provoking for the sake of provoking, but showing that you have a clear opinion is a great way to engage the viewer.

3. An inspiring quote

A quote always signals that there is a person behind the words, which is always relationship-building towards the viewer. Therefore, look for good quotes to start the video with and dare to test it.

4. Introduce the problem

Immediately showing that you’re aware of the problems your audience needs to solve (preferably with the help of your product) is usually an effective way to get people hooked. Here it’s good to really think about your micro-target audiences and dare to talk about specific problems to stand out of the crowd.

5. Facts and stats

We like to see clear figures, facts, and stats. It creates a sense of credibility and newsworthiness. Instead of telling them what facts they will see, try throwing the actual number at them on the very first slide!

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That sounds dramatic, we know. But when you start automating your video creation with Storykit, that’s exactly what will happen. Our customers make, on average, 200% more video with 95% less budget.

And yes, you need to create more video.

To stand out. To create trust. To get your messages heard. To engage your audience. To generate leads. To reach your goals.

It all boils down to this: in a world overloaded with information, the only way to win is to publish more, and preferably video.

So. Let’s do it. Let’s Storykit it.

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