What is decentralized content creation? A perspective from Jonna Ekman

Mattison Hofstedt


October 17, 2024

October 17, 2024

Jonna Ekman, Communications Director at Storykit.

We’re in an era where brands need to produce more content than ever, and decentralizing content production is no longer just a buzzword—it’s a survival strategy. But how do you actually empower everyone to create without losing control over quality? Why focus on video? And why now?

To answer these questions, I sat down with Jonna Ekman, Communications Director at Storykit—someone who’s passionate about both letting go of control and keeping everything on-brand. 

Here, I’ll share her answers to why decentralized content creation is not only possible but necessary and why video has become the ultimate format for making it all happen.

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What does decentralized content creation mean?

At its heart, decentralized content creation is about empowering more people, departments, and teams across an organization to take ownership of storytelling and content creation.

Instead of relying on a marketing team—or worse, an expensive external agency—to handle every single piece of content, you distribute that responsibility. You give your people the tools, guidelines, and trust to create, all while ensuring they stay on brand.

"Decentralized content creation is about removing bottlenecks," Jonna explains. "When you empower your whole team to create content, you not only get more of it, but you also get content that’s more relevant, timely, and authentic."

Jonna Ekman, Communications Director at Storykit

This shift doesn't mean losing control or letting chaos reign. Jonna emphasizes that with the right tools and frameworks, companies can maintain consistency while speeding up content production.

Why would you want to enable everyone to create content?

The answer is simple: scale and speed

Content is the fuel that drives brand awareness, customer engagement, and sales. And different departments—like recruitment, sales, and customer service—have their own important messages that need to be shared through marketing channels. 

Graphic showing the challenges that content solves across different departments.

But with marketing teams already overwhelmed by their own workload, it’s impossible for them to handle all the content demands coming from every corner of the business. 

By empowering each department to create the content it needs, when it needs it, and then feeding it to the team responsible for distribution, you streamline the process. This way, each team maintains control over its messaging, and the marketing team can focus on distributing content—not creating it.

"Your marketing team shouldn’t be the bottleneck," Jonna explains. "Each department has its own stories to tell, and it’s much more effective if the experts in those areas deliver those messages themselves."

Here’s why it works:

  • More hands on deck: Content is produced faster and with less strain on marketing teams.
  • Broadened storytelling: Different departments tell their own stories, adding variety and depth.
  • No bottlenecks: Marketing is no longer the only gatekeeper, allowing content to flow freely.
  • Better, faster content: Teams can create more relevant, timely content without waiting for approval.
  • Experimentation and testing: More content means more opportunities to test and refine messaging and find what your audience wants.

Why video, and why now?

When it comes to empowering more people in your organization to create content, why focus on video as the format of choice?

There are two key reasons.

First, video is hands down the most effective way to communicate—and it’s what audiences prefer.

For example, studies show that video content is more engaging, has higher retention rates, and outperforms other formats in terms of capturing attention. On platforms like LinkedIn, video posts generate 5x more engagement than text-based posts.

The second reason is that video, contrary to what many might think, has become one of the easiest formats to work with, for anyone.

In the past, video creation was one of the most time-consuming and difficult tasks and would often require special skill sets and professional teams.

But now, Jonna says, "When you create video in a tool like Storykit, it becomes the simplest, fastest, and most on-brand way to enable content creation.”

The key to this simplicity is repurposing. 

Employees no longer need to create content from scratch—they just need to repackage the messages they already have in a more engaging format. 

Whether it’s content from a sales deck, your company website, or recruitment materials, video helps to distribute those messages more effectively.

“In Storykit, we’ve automated almost all of the production process,” Jonna explains. “All you need to know is what content you want to turn into a video, and you can do it in just a few clicks. It’s almost as simple as pressing a button.”

One text turned into many videos in Storykit.

How do you keep control without policing?

Being a "brand police" and constantly requiring back-and-forth revisions defeats the purpose of empowering teams to create content, but of course, letting go of control can be scary and hard. 

Marketing department letting salespeople create their own LinkedIn content meme

“It’s natural to feel uneasy about relinquishing control over the brand,” Jonna explains.

“As marketers, we’re used to being gatekeepers. But instead of overseeing every single piece, our focus should shift toward setting up clear guardrails and workflows that allow others to contribute effectively so you don’t have to micromanage every detail.”

Of course, these guardrails start with having the right fonts, colors, and logos as the foundation of your brand. But it’s more than just visuals. "It’s also about the messages you share and how you deliver them,” says Jonna.

This is why having the right tools in place is crucial, and why Storykit is so effective.

Not only does Storykit lock in your visual style, but it also ensures that your messages are communicated consistently—especially when your approach relies on repurposing existing content.

Employees can easily take approved materials, such as sales decks, blog posts, or job ads, and transform them into engaging, on-brand video.

“Instead of policing content creators, you enable them,” Jonna emphasizes. “Give them the structure, but let them tell the stories. It’s a mindset shift: instead of thinking, ‘What will go wrong if everyone creates content?’ start thinking, ‘What opportunities will we unlock if we do?’”

And remember, it won’t happen overnight. Start small, maybe with one department, and refine the process as you go.

Getting away from expensive agency production

Decentralizing content creation also helps you reduce reliance on pricey external agencies. 

"Agency production is great for big campaigns, but it doesn’t scale for day-to-day content needs," Jonna points out. "With decentralized video creation, you can have fresh, relevant content constantly, without breaking the bank."

By empowering your teams to create content internally, you save time and money, and you maintain greater control over your brand’s message.

Final thoughts: Why this matters now more than ever

In today’s content-driven world, the brands that can produce at scale—and still remain authentic—are the ones winning. 

Jonna sums it up: “Decentralization doesn’t mean losing control. It means gaining more voices, more content, and more opportunities to connect with your audience. And video is the perfect format to make that happen—accessible, engaging, and scalable.”

The future of content creation isn’t about fewer people controlling the narrative. It’s about empowering everyone in your company to share their part of the story. And with the right tools and mindset, that future is already here.

Want to change the way you work with video? Forever.
Try Storykit today.

That sounds dramatic, we know. But when you start automating your video creation with Storykit, that’s exactly what will happen. Our customers make, on average, 200% more video with 95% less budget.

And yes, you need to create more video.

To stand out. To create trust. To get your messages heard. To engage your audience. To generate leads. To reach your goals.

It all boils down to this: in a world overloaded with information, the only way to win is to publish more, and preferably video.

So. Let’s do it. Let’s Storykit it.

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