Your guide to video content creation: Strategy, tips & tools for 2024

Mattison Hofstedt


January 29, 2024

May 8, 2024

Woman making business videos.

Introduction to video content creation

How to start creating video content for your business

5 types of videos you can create

What is a good tool for video content creation?

Your video content creation strategy: Tips for impactful and efficient video creation

How can you use Storykit to create all of the videos you need?

The components of creating great videos for social media

Video ideas for you to copy

Video for everything. Video for everyone.

Introduction to video content creation

How to start creating video content for your business

5 types of videos you can create

What is a good tool for video content creation?

Your video content creation strategy: Tips for impactful and efficient video creation

How can you use Storykit to create all of the videos you need?

The components of creating great videos for social media

Video ideas for you to copy

Video for everything. Video for everyone.

Why should you create video content for your business? How can you create impactful videos? And a lot of them?

Let's face it – videos are everywhere, and we can't get enough of them.

Facebook has over 4 billion video views every day. Users on YouTube watch 5 billion hours of video daily. Also, mobile video consumption doubles each year.

What does this mean? 

Well if you’re going to get your audience to pay attention to you, then you need to create videos, and a lot of them.

Whether you're just starting out or you're looking to up your video game, this guide is perfect for you. It's packed with all the tips and tricks you need to make video content that grabs people's attention and makes your brand stand out. 

Introduction to video content creation

So you want to get into video content creation? Here are some stats to get you up-to-date in the world of video.

What type of video content are companies creating?

  • In 2023, companies are seeing the most return in product videos, educational videos, and webinars. (HubSpot, 2023)
  • Most videos are between 2 to 4 minutes long. (Vidyard, 2023)

5 reasons why video is important for your brand

Let's look at some numbers from the Wyzowl video marketing report

  • 96% of people have watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service.
  • 89% of people say watching a video has convinced them to buy a product or service.
  • 79% of people say watching a video has convinced them to buy a software or app.
  • 91% of people say they want to see more online videos from brands in 2023.
  • 51% of people are more likely to share video with their friends than any other type of content, making video comfortably the most ‘sharable’ type of online content.

For more interesting stats about video, we collected 24 video facts you should know in 2024

3 misconceptions about video content creation

Before we start talking about how to create videos, let's clear up the myths that stop many people from getting started or keeping at it.

  1. You need a whole new video content plan: You don't need to hit the drawing board if you want to start using video. While it's true that video content can benefit from tailored strategies, it can also be seamlessly integrated into an existing content plan. Video can complement and enhance other content types (blogs, case studies, ebooks, etc.), offering a dynamic and engaging way to communicate text that you already with out the need for an entirely separate strategic framework.
  1. Video creation is expensive: Many believe that making videos costs a lot of money. While it's true that some videos, like high-quality commercials, can be pricey, making videos doesn't always have to break the bank. These days, with smartphones and affordable software, you can make good videos without spending a lot of money.
  1. You need specialized skills to create video: Some people think you need to be a pro to make videos. But now, with easy-to-use software, anyone can start making videos. You don't need to be an expert; you just need to be willing to learn and get creative.
  1. Video creation is a time-consuming process: It's a common belief that making videos takes a lot of time. Sure, some videos, especially those with lots of details or high-quality effects, might take more time to make. But not all videos need to take that long. With good planning and the right tools, making videos can be pretty quick and easy.

Video is not rocket science. It is fun and effective when you know what you’re doing—which you will by the end of this guide!

Further reading: Navigating top video marketing challenges [What I wish I knew earlier]

How to start creating video content for your business

Where do I start when it comes to video content creation? What should I create? How do I create it? What equipment do I need? These are the questions that often hold companies back when they decide to start creating video.

So, before you move on with anything, ask yourself these questions instead:

  • What type of videos do I want to make? Why? 
  • What is my video creation strategy?
  • What do I want to communicate?
  • What goals do I want to achieve? 
  • What platforms will I publish on?

Have trouble answering them? Good, we’re going to help you.

Further reading: Your most-asked questions on video creation, answered

5 types of videos you can create

Navigating the world of video creation can be a bit like solving a puzzle. Many businesses aren't aware of the different types of videos they can create, leading to unnecessary spending on external experts, wrestling with complex software, or producing videos that don't quite hit the target.

We're here to simplify things for you by breaking down your options and helping you focus on what's most effective.

1. Text-based video

Text-based videos are the secret weapon in your video arsenal. They're super easy to make (no need for any editing expertise), highly effective on social media platforms where silent feeds are the norm, and they democratize content creation within your team. 

But here's a tip: while tools like Canva and Adobe Premiere Pro can create text-based videos, they usually require some editing know-how and aren't the easiest to scale.

Our preferred solution? Storykit. This is because you start with the text and turn it to video, rather than the other way around. We'll explain this in more detail further down.

Here is an example of a text-based video made in Storykit: 

2. Talking head videos

These videos are trending, especially in sales. They are perfect for adding a personal touch to individual profiles and interactions. But remember, they might not be the best choice for larger-scale brand messaging. Want to give them a try? Platforms like Loom make creating these videos easy and efficient.

Here is an example of a talking head video: 

3. Webinar/interview style videos

Webinars and interview-style videos are fantastic for in-depth storytelling and engaging with your audience on a more personal level. They're perfect for educational content, expert discussions, or deep-dives into specific topics. While they require a bit more planning and might involve coordinating with guests, platforms like Zoom and Contrast can simplify the process considerably.

Here is an example of a webinar video: 

4. Animated videos

Animated videos, like the ones you've seen from Dropbox, are fun and can make a big impact. However, they require a bit more expertise to ensure they stay on-brand and consistent. You can create these videos using platforms like Animaker, but be prepared for a learning curve.

Here is an example of an animated video: 

5. Big production style videos 

Think about major players like Google, Apple, or Nike. They have the budget for high-end, professionally shot campaigns that showcase their brand and products. However, if you're a smaller or mid-sized company, this approach might be overkill. These videos are expensive, not always evergreen, and hard to produce frequently. So, if you're just starting with video, you might want to hold off on this type.

Here is a an example of a big production style video: 

Further reading: Why bring video production in-house?

What is a good tool for video content creation?

There are numerous video creation tools available, but selecting the right one depends on your specific needs and resources. For example, Canva serves as an excellent starting point for cost-conscious creators and small businesses, Adobe Premiere Pro is the best for professional video editors creating big productions, and Storykit offers a more sophisticatd solution for larger organizations prioritizing brand cohesion and creating a lot of video at scale.

→ Storykit's text-to-video AI is free to start using now.

Your video content creation strategy: Tips for impactful and efficient video creation

Now it's time to map out your video creation strategy. This isn't just about choosing the right type of video; it's about understanding the 'why' behind your videos, determining 'what' you want to communicate, and figuring out 'how' to kickstart the process smoothly.

1. Don’t start from scratch

First word of advice: Don’t start from scratch. Don’t think of original videos you want to produce. Start by thinking of the content that you already have that you can turn into video. 

“Did you know you already have everything you need to execute a high-paced, on-brand video strategy?” Jonna Ekman, Marketing Director at Storykit

Are you pondering over these questions?

  • How do I craft a video strategy from the ground up?
  • Can I manage an additional stream of content along with my current responsibilities?

Let's pause for a moment. If you want to excel in video creation without burning out, integrating it into your existing content strategy is key.

Consider the resources you already have and think about how you can repurpose your existing content.

Do you run a blog? Think about its purpose. Is it to educate and guide your audience through the sales funnel? How many times have you distributed your articles? Are you satisfied with the traffic they generate? 

This is your starting point. Repurpose your blog articles into engaging videos and share them across your social channels.

The objective remains the same: to inform and guide your audience through the funnel (just in a more engaging format).

This approach isn't limited to blogs. You are sitting on a gold mine of content.

Start with what you have:

  • Case studies
  • Ebooks
  • Reports
  • Webpages
  • Product descriptions
  • Etc.

...turn the text in these documents into video and watch your video strategy flourish. 

Further reading: How to fuel your content engine: Give your content a second life using video

Want a few more ideas...

Did you share posts on social media last year? If those messages still resonate with your goals, why not repurpose them into videos? You might be surprised at how few people remember the original posts, and even more so at the significant boost in engagement you'll achieve.

Or maybe your communication goals are internal? Your staff isn’t following policy because they haven't read the handbook? Turn your handbook into videos.

The point is to align your video content creation with your current content plan or communication goals. You're using video so that your messages get better consumed.

2. Integrate fresh content and current events 

Enhance your video content strategy by dynamically incorporating the latest news, fresh content, and even elements of employer branding.

Is there a buzz-worthy report recently published in your industry? Highlight it in a video.

Thats' what we did with Wyzowl's report below.

Have you just released new blog articles? Amplify their reach with engaging video summaries like we did with this video using out blog post "The benefits of effective internal communications."

3. Personalize your strategy with employer branding videos

Connect with your audience on a deeper level by incorporating employer branding content into your video strategy. Are you expanding your team?

Create compelling videos to showcase your job openings. Highlight the vibrant culture of your workplace, celebrate your new hires, and give a behind-the-scenes look at your work environment. 

This blend of content not only enriches your video strategy but also paints a dynamic and inviting picture of your company for prospective candidates and customers alike. 

4. Create A LOT of video

The biggest mistake you can make when it comes to video content creation is to post one video and be done. Your audience wants a lot of video. That's why they check their social channels a million times a day. And when they do, you want to be there for them with new content.

The social feed is crowded. You are competing with so much competition.

So if you want to make an impact you need to create A LOT of video and post a lot. One will not do the job.

Check out the Storykit LinkedIn feed to see what we mean.

Further reading: 11 reasons you should be creating more video

5. Test, test, test

Keep putting out content changing assets and seeing what resonates with your audience. A good way to do this if you want results fast is to run video ads. By tracking view time, you can see what resonates with your audience. 

How can you use Storykit to create all of the videos you need?

There are many different ways that you can approach video creation with Storykit depending on how you like to work. 

Text-to-video AI approach 

This is the fastest way to create videos and the way that we always recommend starting. With text-to-video AI you just put in your source text—could be a blog, case study, product page, newsletter, etc.—and the AI will write the script for you and add in background assets and even music. 

Check it out!

→ Storykit's text-to-video AI is free to start using now.

Video template approach

Do you like working from video templates? Great, you can create your own and use them over and over again or just borrow one of the many that we have ready for you.

For example, the new hire video we shared above is what we use as a template for all new hire videos and we make available for you too in the platform.

Here is an image of a few of the templates we offer:

Storykit video templates

Script-to-video approach

By script-to-video approach, we mean start with text and then make the video. You can use the text-to-video AI like we introduced above, you can write your own script, or you can use our various video script templates that we offer and then build the video from there.

Script to video approach in Storykit

Want to know how other people use a text-to-video for their marketing and communication? Take inspiration from Canon, a company that is weaving emotion into their products through video.

The components of creating great videos for social media

Videos on social media don't follow the same rules as videos on YouTube for example. You only have a few seconds to get the user's attention.

Here are the key components of creating great videos for social media.

1. Stick with the golden rule: 1 subject - 1 target audience - 1 video

When crafting videos for social media, focus is key. Speak directly to a specific audience about a single subject in each video. This targeted approach ensures your message resonates strongly rather than getting diluted. Avoid the urge to blend various topics or appeal to different audiences at once; such attempts often lead to a message that resonates with no one.

Further reading: Craft engaging videos: The key dos/don'ts for impactful results

2. Start with the script first, the assets second, and the styling last

Your script is the most important part of the video. A strong script can captivate audiences even with minimal visual elements, while the most dazzling visuals can't salvage a weak script. Treat visual assets and stylistic elements like transitions as enhancements that complement your narrative, not as the main focus.

With Storykit text to video AI, the platforms handles all the stylistic assets for you so you can really focus on the story you're telling.

3. Design for sound off

The explosion of video in social media has in many ways changed how we look upon moving images, and one of the fundamental changes is that most viewers are watching video without sound. In fact, 80-90% of online videos are viewed without sound, so it's crucial to ensure they're engaging in silent scenarios. This is why text-based videos excel.

4. Create longer videos for brand awareness with unfamiliar audiences

For brand awareness campaigns targeting new audiences, opt for longer video formats. Ideal lengths for top-of-funnel content on social media, such as thought leadership pieces, how-to guides, and company updates, range from 40 to 60 seconds. This duration provides ample opportunity for storytelling and introducing your brand or product to potential customers who are just beginning to discover you.

6. Make your videos available for everyone by localizing your text

If you are targeting different markets then it is important to localize your videos by putting them in the language of the market you're targeting. This will significantly broadening your viewer base and impact.

See how Dun & Bradstreet translate their videos into several languages here.

7. Tailor your video dimensions to suit each social media platform

Each social media platform has its own optimal video dimensions that enhance how your content is displayed and engaged with by the audience. Understanding and applying these specific requirements ensures your videos appear at their best, maximizing viewer engagement and effectiveness across different social networks.

Further reading: Social media video sizes: Ratios and best practices

8. Incorporate branding elements in your videos

Branding is an essential part of any marketing strategy, and incorporating branding elements in your videos can help to establish your brand identity and drive recognition and recall. This can include incorporating your logo and color scheme, creating branded intros and outros, and using consistent messaging and tone throughout your videos.

If you want to create winning brand videos, it is important to strike a balance between promoting your brand and providing value to your audience. Your videos should be informative and engaging, while also helping to establish your brand identity and drive recognition and recall.

Video ideas for you to copy

Video can be used in various ways in your business or organization's communication and marketing. You shouldn't think about video as just fancy productions, think about it as telling stories, helping customers, or an effective way of communicating with your target groups. In other words – a natural part of your content strategy.

For example, you can distribute short advertising videos on Facebook, publish longer explainer videos on YouTube, or share more personal stories on Instagram. Using video in your organization’s social media marketing offers huge possibilities!

You can also use video for press releases, product launches, interviews, product descriptions or important information. The list can go on and on.

As mentioned before, the key to video success is not only quality but also quantity. So try to see outside the box and let your creativity flow to find new video stories.

Here are some ideas of videos that you can make:

Brand storytelling with video

  • Create videos that narrate the origins and journey of your brand, highlighting key milestones and achievements.
  • Communicate the future vision and goals of your brand through video.
  • Showcase your company culture and core values through behind-the-scenes videos, employee stories, and CSR initiatives.
  • Highlight how these values are ingrained in your daily operations and decision-making processes.
  • Share your expertise and insights related to your industry through educational or thought leadership videos.
  • Document the growth and evolution of your brand in a video format.
  • Include product innovations, market expansion, customer testimonials, and other indicators of progress.
Checkout some great about us & branding videos here.

Product marketing with video

  • Showcase product features, benefits, and use cases through dynamic video presentations.
  • Create hype with teaser videos and launch campaigns.
  • Use storytelling to demonstrate how your product solves problems or enhances life.
Checkout some great service & product videos here.

Case studies or testimonials with video

  • Share customer success stories and testimonials to build trust and authenticity.
  • Use case studies to demonstrate the impact and results of your product or service.
  • Incorporate storytelling to make these case studies relatable and compelling.
Checkout some great case study videos here.

Turn content to video

  • Select popular or impactful blog posts and adapt them into short, engaging videos.
  • Transform complex data and findings in reports into digestible videos.
  • Convert sections of ebooks into a series of short videos.
  • Take text from your website and turn in into video for social channels.
  • Turn your newsletter into video snippets or promotional video to boost signups.
Checkout 22 ways to repurpose your existing content into video here.

Recruitment and onboard with video

  • Share your company's story, culture, and values to attract like-minded candidates.
  • Use video to introduce team members, office tours, and day-in-the-life segments to give a real feel of working at your company.
  • Create step-by-step onboarding videos to make the training process more engaging and efficient.
Checkout some great recruitment videos here.

Internal communication with video

  • Utilize video for company announcements, updates, and sharing success stories to keep employees informed and engaged.
  • Develop training and educational content in video format for better retention and understanding.
  • Encourage team building by sharing employee-generated video content.
  • Use video to provide clear and direct communication in a crisis to maintain transparency.
Checkout some great internal communication videos here for inspiration.

External communication to stakeholders with video

  • Share important company news, achievements, and milestones through video to keep stakeholders informed and engaged.
  • Simplify financial reports and earnings updates with animated charts and graphs.
  • Include commentary from your CEO or CFO to provide context and insights into the numbers.
  • Create videos specifically for investors that delve into company strategy, market position, and growth potential.
  • Use storytelling to explain how the company creates value and its future prospects.
  • Share stories of your company's CSR efforts, community involvement, and sustainability initiatives.
Checkout some great news & corporate videos here.

Video for everything. Video for everyone.

At Storykit, we are committed to the philosophy of 'video for everything, video for everyone.' We firmly believe that in the realm of video content creation, the possibilities are boundless.

By transforming your words into engaging videos, you have the opportunity to broaden your audience, enhance your brand's presence, and achieve the desired outcomes. The sky truly is the limit for what your message can accomplish through the power of video.

Want to change the way you work with video? Forever.
Try Storykit today.

That sounds dramatic, we know. But when you start automating your video creation with Storykit, that’s exactly what will happen. Our customers make, on average, 200% more video with 95% less budget.

And yes, you need to create more video.

To stand out. To create trust. To get your messages heard. To engage your audience. To generate leads. To reach your goals.

It all boils down to this: in a world overloaded with information, the only way to win is to publish more, and preferably video.

So. Let’s do it. Let’s Storykit it.

Want to read more?

Give us a few minutes and we’ll show you just how easy life can be when you Storykit it.